Book Spotlight – Pirates in Hell #Fantasy #historicalfiction #heroesinhell

Arrgh! Shiver me timbers *whatever the hell that means….

The latest Heroes in Hell anthology has been blown by a Hellish Maelstrom onto these shores. Hell Week 2017 will be along in good time but for now here’s a taster.

Perdition Goes Viral As Floods Overrun Infernity!

From Perseid Press:

Avast, ye readers! Here be Pyrates! Feast yer eyes on the cursed treasures before you! Hoist the skull ‘n’ crossbones! Walk the plank with hell’s sorest losers! Join the damnedest buccaneers and privateers ever to sail infernal seas. The depths of hell chill the boldest sinner as damned souls learn why the deeper in hell you go, the colder it gets.

Come on down: Join us in the depths of hell where a few of our damnedest writers break every rule of perdition, resulting in longer stories overflowing with torment. Amid more horrific punishments than ever, only a few survive Satan’s cruellest purges, while hell’s bowels runneth over.

Janet Morris, Chris Morris, Nancy Asire, Paul Freeman, Rob Hinkle, Michael H. Hanson, Joe Bonadonna, Andrew P. Weston, S. E. Lindberg, Jack William Finley come together to bring us piratical hellish adventures.

Shakespeare denounces plagiarism but learns what’s in a name when Marlowe takes the blame, as Satan pronounces a penance built for two. Not even eleven flayed Rameses have a dry place to stand when blood overruns the Vile’s banks and Hatshepsut confronts history’s worst pirates, while Howard Carter seeks to loot yet another tomb before Germany’s Haeckel can take the credit.

Attila the Hun and Admiral Nelson square off until the Iron Duke and Napoleon brave an expanding lake to take the tide at its flood.

Daemon Grim, The devil’s Reaper, heads for Skull Island on His Satanic Majesty’s most infernal service to quench his taste for blood money, hell’s truest treasure.

Jason and the Argonauts find that piracy in hell isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, as Medea proves you can’t teach an old witch new tricks.

Elliott Ness and Frank Nitti tangle with Hell’s Demon Minister of Copyright Enforcement, who insists that the price for musical copyright violation be paid in severed heads, including the head of King James I of England, but not even decapitation can still those wagging tongues. Doctor Frankenstein and Quasimodo swashbuckle on a voyage through Hades, searching for a way out of hell, while the Fairbanks boys and Errol Flynn capture a real vampire on film, showing that hell’s damnedest actors are never ready for their close-ups. Fleet Admiral Ogle and his nemesis Bartholomew Roberts quest for a mythical bottle of wine which may prove once and for all that damnation is just a test of faith. Kit Marlowe loses his Rose while Shakespeare finds out that a cold day in hell isn’t merely a turn of phrase. Grace O’Malley, pirate queen, and Strongbow, 2nd Earl of Pembroke confront the Vilekings with the help of Shaka Zulu, but not even Brendan the Navigator can help the ghostly Children of Lir.


Pirates in Hell cover

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