Liars In Hell – Blog Tour and Giveaway #HistoricalFantasy #Fantasy #PerseidPress

In Hell, everyone’s pants are on fire.

Liars in Hell

A Heroes in Hell Anthology

by Janet Morris

Genre: Dark Fantasy Anthology

In Hell, everyone’s pants are on fire.

Hell is a real place. Anyone who has broken a commandment winds up there. That’s pretty much everybody.

Satan is the boss. You’re okay until you’re not. But never fear, all your friends are here. As well as everyone you’ve ever heard of.

For what they have been up to lately, be sure to check in. Thrill to new stories by Hell’s damnedest: Janet Morris, Andrew P Weston, Michael H. Hanson, S. E. Lindberg, Joe Bonadonna, Chris Morris, and Richard Groller.

The Seven Degrees of Lying – Janet Morris & Chris Morris

The Liar, the Witch, and the Ward Robes – Andrew P. Weston

Bait and Switch – S.E. Lindberg

Fibbers in Hell – Michael H. Hanson

The Münchhausen Trilemma – Richard Groller

Hell’s Bells – Joe Bonadonna

School of Night – Janet Morris & Chris Morris

**On Sale for Only $2.99 until the end of the month!**

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Best selling author Janet Morris began writing in 1976 and has since published more than 30 novels, many co-authored with her husband Chris Morris or others. Most of her fiction work has been in the fantasy and science fiction genres, although she has also written historical and other novels. Morris has written, contributed to, or edited several book-length works of non-fiction, as well as papers and articles on nonlethal weapons, developmental military technology and other defense and national security topics.

Christopher Crosby Morris (born 1946) is an American author of fiction and non-fiction, as well as a lyricist, musical composer, and singer-songwriter. He is married to author Janet Morris. He is a defense policy and strategy analyst and a principal in M2 Technologies, Inc. He writes primarily as Chris Morris, but occasionally uses pseudonyms.

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What is something unique/quirky about you?

We breed Morgan horses. We consult with Morgan breeders to help them choose breeding combinations to achieve a desired result.

We are also song writers; Janet plays bass guitar and Chris sings and plays guitar. We have an album on MCA records. Look for Christopher Crosby Morris on Soundcloud or

Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?

Janet wrote her first book in 1975 and Chris was the first one to read and comment on it. Their marriage survived. A routine emerged where Chris would read aloud all the new drafts and we would make edits on the spot. After a few books Chris’ ideas became frequent enough that we agreed he should have credit for writing, whereas before we had kept separate Janet’s storytelling and Chris’ songwriting. The rest, as they say is history.

Who is your hero and why?

Heraclitus of Ephesus, a pre-socratic philosopher, whose Cosmic Fragments foreshadow our knowledge of reality and how to perceive it. Among his precepts is the statement that change alone is unchanging. We’ve worked Heraclitus’ fragments in here and there throughout our books.

Which of your novels can you imagine being made into a movie?

All of them. We write cinematically, our books are vivid adventures undertaken without knowing the destination.  I, the Sun, The Sacred Band, Outpassage and M.E.D.U.S.A. are particularly suited to film. The Threshold Series is a feast of opportunities for today’s special effects creators.

What inspired you, to write School of Night?

We are trying to change what many people think hell is. In other words, we don’t believe in a hell below when people right here and now are struggling to address all sorts of social ills. So in a way, we’re just showing in our stories that no matter where you are in life, you have to learn to deal with people and situations that are very different from your expectations. Of course people are suffering torments, many of which are self-generated from failing or refusing to understand what’s going on. What inspires us is the notion that even the devil needs rehabilitation, perhaps more than any of the damned souls. In our last story in Liars in Hell, the spymaster Frances Walsingham is forced to explain to a plague god that human souls are totally misunderstood by the likes of angels, demons, and that that misunderstanding is the root of all suffering.

Convince us why you feel Liars in Hell  is a must read.

Liars in Hell is a collection of stories by different authors expressing different viewpoints about handling difficulties which at times seem to threaten everything we hold dear. Amazingly, writers from different backgrounds converge on main themes that are sure to strike a chord with readers who simply love a good tale.

Who designed your book covers?

Most of our covers, including Liars in Hell, are realized by Roy Mauritsen, a gifted graphic artist.

Advice to writers?

As for advice to writers, here is all we know: write the story you want to read. Start at the beginning, go to the end, and stop. Seriously. From start to finish you must inhabit the construct in a manner that makes the reader choose to continue; if you, as the writer, can’t feel what it’s like being there, your readers can’t either. So close your eyes, look at your feet where they are standing on the story’s ground; tell me what you see. Tell me what you hear. Ask at the end of each paragraph ‘what happens next?’. If you lose touch with it, wait until you’re back inside it. Tell the story that comes to you, and from you, to me.

Dirty Dozen Character Interview – Temi


How did you end up in the situation you’re currently in? I was rescued from a submarine cave where I had been trapped for over 200 years.

Do you have any regrets? That I had ever come to be there in the first place.

Is your life now as you envisioned it? If not – then why? Absolutely not. To be transported 200 years into the future is illogical.

Do you believe in magic? How do you feel about it? Yes and No. Seeing as I survived in that cave for over 200 years without ageing as a result of drinking the ‘magic’ water from the lake in the cave, as yet, I have no logical explanation, although I am certain there is one.

How do you think others see you? As someone from another time and place…which is true.

Who is your greatest friend? Kai (aka Chimera) the sea serpent who lived in the lake in the cave with me.

Who is your greatest enemy? Igor Muttovsky. Evil incarnate.

Tell us about your family? Mama was an actor and opera singer (mezzo soprano), Papa was an inventor and polymath, and my younger brother was an explorer, archaeologist and anthropologist. Since being discovered and rescued, I find I now also have a Great Great Grandfather who is a sea captain and I have been adopted by dear Professor Little who has twin daughters whose mother tragically died. His now wife has a son from a previous marriage, so I also now have two sisters and another brother.

Do you believe in god(s)? Once, but no more. I now believe only in Reason and Logic. ‘Faith’ is a false construct.

What is your greatest fear? That I shall awake to find the life I now dearly cherish was nothing more than a dream.

What do you think of your author/creator? I know not of the being to whom you refer as ‘Creator’ as already stated, I no longer believe in such mythical entities.

If you could have three wishes, what would they be? Wishing is also illogical and changes nothing. Wherever life takes one, it happens whether one wishes it or not.

Artemis Jymladd (aka Temi) first appears in V5 of the 7 volume work ‘S.O.S: Sentinels of Sol’ and later in the 2 sequels ‘The Professor and the Portal’ and ‘The Curse of the Blue Angel’.

Temi’s Author Creator is:

Owen Bell (aka Eugene L’Estrange)

Born Aug 17 1948 in Perth, Western Australia.

Lived in the UK from 1966 to 1994

Self- taught illustrator, musician and writer.

Became a freelance illustrator in 1974. Mostly known for revamping the illustration style of the Thomas the Tank Engine brand as primary illustrator for almost 2 decades until 2001. Created art for all worldwide merchandise including over 30 books.

Also designer of postage stamps worldwide, initially for the Crown Agents Stamp Bureau (London) and WWF Stamp Collection and more recently for Australia Post.

Plays a Swedish instrument called a nyckelharpa semi-professionally.

Writes for the fun of writing, never expecting it to result in fame and fortune.

Like Temi, believes whatever happens, happens. It is what it is…

Excerpt – Tales of Erana: Just One Mistake

Excerpt from Tales of Erana: Just One Mistake by A. L. Butcher

Darkness oozed lazily in the remainder of the room, nosing into corners, under furniture, and behind Coel, unseen, part of it detached. “That was quite a performance, bard. You have some talent, and not just your music. Although your judgement is flawed, it’s never wise to steal from a thief,” the voice was smooth, like liquid velvet and very sure of itself. 

Coel’s hand moved towards the dagger nestling in his belt; it would not be the first time he had been called on to defend himself, although that was how he had ended up in this mess he thought bitterly. Just one mistake, then another and now, it would seem, another.

“I do not know of what you speak! I am not a thief.” His brain caught up and he continued, “How did you get into my room? The door was locked. I’m not a bloody fool.” Coel could hear his own heart pounding. There was something about this man which frightened him. He felt like a mouse beneath the gaze of a cat. Perhaps the hangman’s noose would have been the better option.

The slate-grey cloak swirled around boots of ebony leather and the cowled figure chuckled. “That lock was barely a moment’s work. I must have a word with the owner of this place about his security. I have yet to find a door in Erana which will not yield to me. You may as well remove your hand from that blade, or would you bet your life you are swifter than the Thiefmaster? I doubt it, boy, I doubt it. Believe me when I say you would be dead before that knife left its scabbard. It would be a pity to waste such talent, would it not?”

Coel removed his hand from the dagger, his sense telling him that continuing to draw it would be a terminal decision. Instead, he placed his hand on the table and the voice breathed into his ear, Coel shivered, he had not heard the man move.

“I thought not. Sensible lad, if a lying one. This too can be a skill which can save your life, if it is used correctly and with assurance,” Darius, the Thiefmaster told him.

This menacing shape was right behind him, and Coel began to turn, opening his mouth to protest; he found a gloved hand on his jaw, firm but not unduly painful. “Curious are we not? This may sometimes serve you well. As for other occasions, it is wise to accept things as they are, this is one such occasion… Coel.”

The bard caught his breath, how did this man know his name? The sweat began to pool in his back, making his shirt stick unpleasantly to his skin. Had this man been hired to kill him? Had his mistake finally caught him up? Yet as Coel’s brain frantically grasped at any hope and his fingers tried to overrule his brain and reach for the dagger he realised the man had said he was a thief. A robbery, that was not so bad. It would not be the first time.

“This is not a merely social call; you are honoured for the Master of Thieves does not always test a potential recruit’s skills for himself.”

“I usually charge for my skills, music and other kinds if that is what you prefer. I can be flexible and my tastes are…varied.  Perhaps just this once I might offer them for free. Take the coin and the trinkets, take it all.” Coel’s brain finally caught up with the conversation, “What do you mean potential recruit?”

Please note – contains scenes of sex and violence.

Book Synopsis and Links

Ebook, print and audiobook,

An ill-conceived notion of earning more money to pay off his debt and escape a dark past leaves the minstrel in a situation he can’t escape and with a deadly bargain. Adult rated.

The Immortal Rose Wyndham – Blog Tour #HistoricalFantasy #RomanticFantasy

This romantic adventure unfolds over 250 years, where the transcendent force of music and the belief in a higher purpose shape a narrative of mystery, magic, and miraculous encounters.

The Immortal Rose Wyndham: The Beginning

The Moon Singer Book 4

by B. Roman

Genre: Historical Romantic Fantasy Adventure

From 18th Century France to 20th Century San Francisco, the Promise of the Rose Crystal both empowered and mystified Grace Moreau and her daughter Rose Wyndham.

They fought for women’s rights, suffered prejudice and conspiracy theorists, and blazed their way through a male-dominated world to define their own roles in society. Through it all they poignantly resisted romantic desire, for if they fell in love the power of the Rose Crystal would be impotent and they – and their lovers – would die.

A romantic adventure spanning 250 years, B. Roman’s ‘The Immortal Rose Wyndham’ is a story where the power of music, and the belief in a purpose greater than oneself, provide the mystery and magic that creates miracles.

**The Immortal Rose Wyndham: The Beginning can be read as a standalone and/or prequel to the rest of the books in the series.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the collection!**

Every fantastic adventure, every romance, every heartwarming family story, every magical moment.

All four books in B. Roman’s The Moon Singer, a series of fantasy novels, now available in one volume. This collection also includes the prequel novella, Before the Boy, as a bonus.

B. Roman – in her own words:

Since childhood, I’ve been torn between two worlds: writing and singing. It’s difficult to serve “two masters,” as they say, but I was compelled to do so. When I was not singing, I was writing; when I was not writing, I was singing. I’ve learned, for me, that one creative expression nurtures the other. Much of my writing has a musical theme somewhere in the plot, or is the plot. Whether it’s in my non-fiction writing about the power of music itself, in children’s picture books and in writing music and lyrics for songs.

It is natural, therefore, that my adventure series (The Moon Singer) has its roots in musical theories and metaphors, entwined with the magic and mystery of metaphysical concepts and matters of ethics, faith, compassion, love, and heroism. Music provokes universal emotions and memories, and giving my characters a musical talent and/or identity enriches them and the reader experience.

*B. Roman’s books include the 5-book Moon Singer Series, two suspense thrillers (Whatever Became of Sin?; A Man’s Face), and (as Barbara Roman) three children’s books: Hubert in Heaven, Alicia & The Light Bulb People in Star Factory 13, and The Prince Who Was A Piccolo.

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Give the Gift of Reading this Festive Season – Outside the Walls

When the tide of war flows who will be caught in its wake? A short fantasy tale of a woman’s determination in time of war #HistoricalFantasy #IARTG #Ebook #Print #IAN1 #ad Universal Link

Award-winning fantasy featuring a feisty woman.

Excerpt 1

“In the early days everyone was allowed in and sent to the docks to find work: manual labour, cooking and…entertainment, things the unskilled do. There is always one ship or another looking to be unloaded, or manure to shovel. It doesn’t take much to haul boxes or gut fish. Soon enough there were too many people and too little work and gates were shut on the district way-fares which the city guard patrol. There have been those who’ve tried to climb in, cut down from what I’ve heard, Your Grace. There is a curfew now; once the sun goes down, all good citizens must be behind closed doors or be on legitimate business. The keep dungeons are full of drunks, whores, and curfew breakers, the desperate and the hungry. Children too, so it seems. Crime is widespread. The desperate will steal if they are hungry enough. The hangman is the only one earning his keep these days.”

The chatelaine shook her head at the situation. “Now, even most of the traders stay within their ships and bring their own guards when they come to trade. If they come. I hear families from afar have stopped sending their sons to study as well. Many domestics and skilled labourers were able to find rooms with their masters, which, I’m afraid, has only shifted the crowding into other districts, as now sometimes entire families huddle in one small room above a shop or below a kitchen somewhere. It’s a shame, I’ve not known the like in all my years, but I am just a chatelaine, it is not my place to instruct the council,” Alys concluded.

“What of those outside the walls?” Lady Eleanor asked, now angry and distressed at the situation.

“Oh, those by the caravan gate? Never you worry, the next trader to cross the waters will carry them on to warmer shores. They always do. Although…” A look of concentration crossed the chatelaine’s face as her brows furrowed. “It seems to me that the traders have grown more infrequent of late. It could be they have been waiting quite a while.”

“I see.” Duchess Eleanor nodded grimly.

Book Spotlight – Tales of Erana – Just One Mistake #Fantasy #DarkFantasy

Book Title: Tales of Erana: Just One Mistake

Author (s): A.L. Butcher

Genre: Dark Fantasy/Adult Fantasy Novella

Tell us about your characters:

Coel, the main character, is a bard. He’s also an outlaw, on the run from the Order of Witch-Hunters and his past. He’s a musician – and an adept – basically he is very, very good at what he does – singing, playing his rebec but he’s magical and a criminal so he has to be careful.

And then we have the Thiefmaster…. A man who is not who he appears, and runs the House Of Thieves, the criminal syndicate which cause the Order of Witch-Hunters a lot of mischief. The Thiefmaster is NOT the top of the tree when it comes to Crimelords, he answers to the Shadowdancer, and the Shadowdancer answers to the Oncoming Storm, but for the purposes of the story the Thiefmaster is Coel’s patron, minder, blackmailer, whatever view you wish to take. He’s calling the shots (literally).


Coel, the bard, thinks his life has taken a turn for the worst, but he hasn’t met the Thiefmaster yet. An ill-conceived notion of earning more money to pay off his debt and escape a dark past leaves the minstrel in a situation he can’t escape and with a deadly bargain. Will he survive his mistake? Who is this mysterious patron?

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(Please note – the story contains very adult scenes.)

Tell us about the world in which the book is set.

Magic is outlawed in Erana, and the Order of Witch-Hunters don’t tend to bother with trials or justice, they just execute you. So Coel really doesn’t want to be found. But a man has to eat, and so he’s hiding out in the low-life taverns where people don’t tend to ask awkward questions or ask for your papers….

Although magic is illegal, it’s everywhere, although many people don’t realise this – there are mages, but they generally hide what they are, or are hidden by sympathetic allies, and adepts who are exceptionally gifted: The luckiest gamblers, the fastest and most skilled warriors, the people who can bargain or use their amazing charm to get things.

The Order of Witch-Hunters rules the land with an iron fist, enslaves the elves, and imprisons or executes anyone thought to carry magical blood. They rule through fear, propaganda and division and it works, it’s worked for centuries. Most common folk are too ignorant or afraid to stand up to them.  

There are slavers, corrupt merchants, rich nobles, who have a good deal of power, but the common people, generally have none. It’s largely patrilineal and male dominated world and women who do not conform often find themselves in strife. But it doesn’t always stop the ladies from rebelling.

There are humans, elves, trolls, half-elves and half-trolls and mixes thereof. Within the human lands only the humans hold the power (although most people would probably refrain from saying that to a troll’s face).

It’s a rather fluidic world, morally.

Why should readers buy this?

Coel’s adventure is thrust upon him – he’s in a situation from which he cannot extricate himself easily, but has, in fact, brought upon himself. He’s a reluctant hero, and allies with, let’s face it, thieves, assassins, whores, witches and lowlives – and they are the good guys….

There are a couple of naughty scenes, violence, and adult themes, so keep that in mind.

Tales of Erana: Just One Mistake Excerpt

© A.L. Butcher

Darkness oozed lazily in the remainder of the room, nosing into corners, under furniture, and behind Coel, unseen, part of it detached. “That was quite a performance, bard. You have some talent, and not just your music. Although your judgement is flawed, it’s never wise to steal from a thief,” the voice was smooth, like liquid velvet and very sure of itself. 

Coel’s hand moved towards the dagger nestling in his belt; it would not be the first time he had been called on to defend himself, although that was how he had ended up in this mess he thought bitterly. Just one mistake, then another and now, it would seem, another.

“I do not know of what you speak! I am not a thief.” His brain caught up and he continued, “How did you get into my room? The door was locked. I’m not a bloody fool.” Coel could hear his own heart pounding. There was something about this man which frightened him. He felt like a mouse beneath the gaze of a cat. Perhaps the hangman’s noose would have been the better option.

The slate-grey cloak swirled around boots of ebony leather and the cowled figure chuckled. “That lock was barely a moment’s work. I must have a word with the owner of this place about his security. I have yet to find a door in Erana which will not yield to me. You may as well remove your hand from that blade, or would you bet your life you are swifter than the Thiefmaster? I doubt it, boy, I doubt it. Believe me when I say you would be dead before that knife left its scabbard. It would be a pity to waste such talent, would it not?”

Coel removed his hand from the dagger, his sense telling him that continuing to draw it would be a terminal decision. Instead, he placed his hand on the table and the voice breathed into his ear, Coel shivered, he had not heard the man move.

“I thought not. Sensible lad, if a lying one. This too can be a skill which can save your life, if it is used correctly and with assurance,” Darius, the Thiefmaster told him.

This menacing shape was right behind him, and Coel began to turn, opening his mouth to protest; he found a gloved hand on his jaw, firm but not unduly painful. “Curious are we not? This may sometimes serve you well. As for other occasions, it is wise to accept things as they are, this is one such occasion… Coel.”

The bard caught his breath, how did this man know his name? The sweat began to pool in his back, making his shirt stick unpleasantly to his skin. Had this man been hired to kill him? Had his mistake finally caught him up? Yet as Coel’s brain frantically grasped at any hope and his fingers tried to overrule his brain and reach for the dagger he realised the man had said he was a thief. A robbery, that was not so bad. It would not be the first time.

“This is not a merely social call; you are honoured for the Master of Thieves does not always test a potential recruit’s skills for himself.”

“I usually charge for my skills, music and other kinds if that is what you prefer. I can be flexible and my tastes are…varied.  Perhaps just this once I might offer them for free. Take the coin and the trinkets, take it all.” Coel’s brain finally caught up with the conversation, “What do you mean potential recruit?”

Links etc.

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Dirty Dozen Character Interview – Claudia Braniff

Character Name Claudia Braniff

Tell us a little about yourself.

I own Needs Must, a charming bookshop I just opened not too long ago. I guess I should just come out with it…I’m an empath and a witch.

How did you end up in the situation you’re currently in?

Well, I bought my shop sight unseen because a ghost told me to. I ended up moving with my cat and my Book to this charming little town called Healing Springs. I wasn’t expecting to find a community here, but I did. Before that, I moved around a lot. The Book usually led me where I needed to go and helped me find those who Needed the Book…but you know how it is. There’s a lot of superstitious folks out there, and they naturally distrust people like me.

Do you believe in monsters?

Oh yes. But not the kind that come out at night. I’ve seen and felt the real monsters, and they are all too human. The sorrows and horror that humans inflict on each other are way worse than anything that lives in the shadows.

Do you believe in magic?

I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t.

Who is your greatest friend?

My cat Stryga is my best friend. You could say we can see through each other’s eyes. Now, my best human friend would be Sheila. She was the first person to welcome me to Healing Springs and we have become fast friends since.

Who is your greatest enemy?

Right now, it’s Kelly Ann. She seems to think it is okay to take whatever she wants.

Tell us about your family.

There isn’t much to tell. I don’t know my family. I grew up in the foster system, which made me pretty much a loner. I’ve never bothered with a coven, too political and messy. I’ve been fine with me and Stryga. That’s my family.

What is your greatest skill or asset?  Being an empath. I can read people’s true feelings, although that’s a two-edged sword. Some people are holding in a lot of pain, and that hurts. Even the idea of touching somebody that’s evil? That would be horrifying. I tend to avoid touching people at all unless I need to. Also, my shop. There are books there that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. Some of them are meant for just one person and nobody else. My shop gives people not only the books they want, but more importantly, the ones they need.

Do you believe in gods?

I believe in goddesses. In fact, I think there might be one in Healing Springs…at least part time.

How do you think others see you?

Probably a little standoffish. I don’t mean to be but being able to feel people’s emotions can be a little overwhelming, scratch that…very overwhelming at times. I’ve been working on a few techniques that help me block random emotional outbursts, but that’s still hit or miss. Luckily, my new friends don’t seem to mind that I need time to myself to recharge.

What is your greatest fear?

Pitchforks and angry villagers.

What do you think of your author or creator?

You know? She is kind of odd. Not in a bad way, but she spends more time with her animals and in her head than with actual people. Now that I think about it…I might be based on her just a wee bit.

Claudia first appears in Needs Must.

Needs Must by Rhavensfyre book Link

Author Bio

KL RHAVENSFYRE is the best-selling author of numerous novels. Her debut novel, Switching Gears, won a Gold Crown Literary Society Award right out the gate. She continued with several follow up novels that also made in their Genres. Not one to like being put in a writer’s box, KL loves to write in whatever genre the story demands, whether it is romance, fantasy, dystopian, or magical realism…every book has its own flavor and characters.

She also makes sure to write strong female characters that for all their abilities, are just as flawed and unique as we all tend to be. Not afraid to delve into the difficult aspects of life, some characters will be dealing with such things as PTSD, Disability, Injury, and Trauma. Not all, but some.

As a neurodiverse person herself, she has used her Autism and lifetime ADHD as a jumping board to inclusion.

Other than that, KL lives a quiet but interesting life in the highest alpine valley in the world…one that has more cows than people. The Mystic San Luis Valley is known for its strangeness, with a vivid history of UFO activity, Bigfoot sightings, odd lights floating around the night sky, and other phenomena that cannot be explained. There are plenty of ghosts, cryptids, and historical horror stories that begin when Colorado was just starting out, from the silver rush, on to acts of cannibalism, murder, and mayhem. In other words, a fount of ideas for future novels.

You will often find her posting such interesting tidbits on social media, including her own ghost box activities on her own property, along with her wife, Roxy.

Of course, there are pets. Three cats, three chickens, and the occasional lost cow that wanders in. Two pibbles and one fluffy Colorado mutt who loves the snow but hates the rain…which is just fine for a place that never, ever…hardly rains. And, of course, a tiny Chihuahua that rules the entire roost. It’s cold sunshine and a warm fire for half the year, which is just perfect for a writer.

You can find KL on Facebook and TikTok under

KL Rhavensfyre

Scourge – Blog Tour and Giveaway #Fantasy

Three undertaker brothers fight the monsters who killed their family—and uncover a plot larger and far more dangerous than they ever imagined.


A Darkhurst Novel Book 1

by Gail Z. Martin

Genre: Dark Epic Fantasy Adventure

Three undertaker brothers fight the monsters who killed their family—and uncover a plot larger and far more dangerous than they ever imagined.

In a city beset by monsters, three brothers must find out who is controlling the abominations. The city-state of Ravenwood is wealthy, powerful, and corrupt. Merchant princes and guild masters wager fortunes to outmaneuver League rivals for the king’s favor and advantageous trading terms. Lord Mayor Ellor Machison wields assassins, blood witches, and forbidden magic to ensure that his powerful patrons get what they want, no matter the cost.

Corran, Rigan, and Kell Valmonde are guild undertakers left to run their family’s business when guards murdered their father and monsters killed their mother. Their grave magic enables them to help souls pass to the After and banish vengeful spirits. Rigan’s magic is unusually strong and enables him to hear the confessions of the dead, the secrets that would otherwise be taken to the grave.

When the toll exacted by monsters and brutal guards hits close to home, and ghosts expose the hidden sins of powerful men, Corran, Rigan, and Kell become targets in a deadly game and face a choice: obey the guild or fight back and risk everything.

Scourge is a fast-paced, action-packed, monster-filled fantasy adventure with non-stop twists and turns, loyal brothers, found family, forbidden magic, vengeful ghosts, high-stakes intrigue, and dangerous secrets set in a vibrantly visualized world.

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Gail Z. Martin writes urban fantasy, epic fantasy, steampunk and more for Solaris Books, Orbit Books, Falstaff Books, SOL Publishing and Darkwind Press. Urban fantasy series include Deadly Curiosities and the Night Vigil (Sons of Darkness). Epic fantasy series include Darkhurst, the Chronicles Of The Necromancer, the Fallen Kings Cycle, the Ascendant Kingdoms Saga, and the Assassins of Landria.

Together with Larry N. Martin, she is the co-author of Iron & Blood, Storm & Fury (both Steampunk/alternate history), the Spells Salt and Steel comedic horror series, the Roaring Twenties monster hunter Joe Mack Shadow Council series, and the Wasteland Marshals near-future post-apocalyptic series. As Morgan Brice, she writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with the Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow series. Gail is also a con-runner for ConTinual, the online, ongoing multi-genre convention that never ends.

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Swift Six Character Interview – Kirin Aradhya

Character Name: Kirin Aradhya

Which book/world do you live in? Second Eight – The Three Rings

Tell us about yourself: Hmm, not much to tell really. I like being outdoors, fishing, collecting. I like to eat, a lot. I recently found out that I was a Nephilim, so that’s kinda cool.

What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? I’m pretty carefree, which could go under both of those categories, I guess. I’m hella strong when I turn blue – when I alter Nephilim. I’m pretty much indestructible too, which makes me a pretty effective meat shield for our team.

I can be pretty impatient, but Master Fudo is helping me with all that.

Name three important people/creatures/institutions in your world (such as lovers, pets, government institutions, leaders, gods etc).

Director Travis, I mean he raised us all.

Marcus is my best friend, and roommate.

And I guess Captain G. He’s kinda like my father, even though he isn’t.

What does ‘heroism’ mean to you? Looking out for the little guy. Especially since I used to be the little guy.

What do you think of your ‘creator’? I think he and I would get along. I’d like to take him fishing.

Give us your favourite piece of advice: Be still. That’s what Marcus and Master Fudo tell me when I get angry. If I can just calm down and breathe, everything will be OK.

Book Title: Second Eight – The Three Rings

Social Media: (Amazon)  Byrom/author/B0C4V7DQ7T?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true (Amazon author)

Book Spotlight – The Second Eight #Fantasy /Mythological

Title: Second Eight – The Three Rings

Author: Brian Byrom

Genre: Fantasy, Religious/mythological

Main character description (short). Marcus Byrne – Stoic. Kind, compassionate, loyal, trusting, smart. People like Marcus, and are drawn to his underlying leadership ability. His personality is governed by his father’s philosophy, largely based on the writings of Marcus Aurelius.

Synopsis: In short, this is Demons and their minions vs. Angels and their human allies, primarily the kids at St. Alexis. The Devil wiped out these kids’ families and they want revenge. But they are kids and are going to need some help. Their parents’ old friends, some demons looking for redemption, and a pile of mythical weapons just might do the trick. It’s fun, scary, philosophical and enlightening.

In Hell, Lucy’s been plotting her revenge for centuries. It’s almost time for her to make her play for the throne, but she has a few loose ends to tie up before she can strike. Step one is eliminating the kids at St. Alexis. 

Once the fighting begins, the kids will discover that their greatest weapons are their faith in and love for each other.

Brief Excerpt 250 words:

Chapter 42

Something about the way Aayo was moving struck Byrne as odd. He was advancing, but slowly, reluctantly, as if he wasn’t sure if he wanted to attack or not. Byrne was prepared to defend himself nonetheless, but about ten feet before he would have made contact, another monster exploded out of the water and took Aayo over the side of the boat, into the black water.

“What… was that?” He looked behind him at Furfur only to see that he was just as shocked as he was.

“That… isn’t possible.” Said Furfur, rain steaming off his flaming body.

The Oni was gone, but the threat from the sky remained. Byrne looked up and shouted, “Incoming!” as hundreds of sigbin descended from the clouds.

Furfur reacted quickly and bounded through the air with lightning speed. He bounced from vermin to vermin, igniting each one he touched.

Byrne followed suit, cutting them down by the dozen as the ones that got past Furfur swarmed around him, gnashing at him with their long claws and their abnormal, asymmetric teeth. Through the swarm Byrne saw the second clone making another dive toward the boat. He had already made it past Furfur, who was climbing higher and higher into the sky as he torched the flying rats. This one’s all mine.

Why should readers buy this book (50 words max)?

Readers should buy Second Eight – the Three Rings if they are looking for a fun, clean, fast-paced fantasy that isn’t a difficult read. It doesn’t get bogged down in massive world building or dozens of characters, making it a light, easily enjoyable weekend book. (It is also appropriate for anyone over 12.)

Links etc.

               (Amazon)  Byrom/author/B0C4V7DQ7T (Amazon author)