
Stand Together – A Poetry and Prose Anthology for Ukraine

I am delighted to announce the release of a poetry and short story anthology for Ukraine.

An eclectic collection of poetry and short prose for Ukraine. Poetry about war, warriors, hope, and sunflowers; multi-genre stories.


Print https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B14N27TW

Donations from this book will go to Ukraine charities.

Part 1 Poetry

The War That Was Not a War – A.L. Butcher

Maybe Then – Roman Nyle (Marta Moran Bishop) 

Hope – Charles Yallowitz

Sunflowers – Vickie Johnstone

The Science of Communication – Andrew P. Weston

Courage Personified – A.L. Butcher. 

The Sunflowers Will Rise Again – Rebecca Miller

Wounds in Ukraine – Michael H. Hanson

Civilized Humanity – Charles Yallowitz

Shadows On Faces – Victoria Zigler

Where is the Line? – A.L. Butcher

War Dance – Joe Bonadonna

Those Who Divide – Charles Yallowitz

Sorge* – Richard Groller

Ruins Hall – KL Rhavensfyre

Lodestone – Andrew P. Weston

The Vikings – Joe Bonadonna

Rape in Ukraine – Vickie Johnstone

Pray for Ukraine – Rebecca Miller

Haiku – Joe Bonadonna

Four Horseman – Rebecca Miller

Part 2 Short Stories 

The Tree of Fate and Wishes – Anthea Sharp

The Secret of Blossom Rise – A.L. Butcher

War and Beyond – Marta Moran Bishop

The Eleventh – Colene Allen

The Day After Twilight – J.C. Fields

Outside the Walls – A.L. Butcher & Diana. L. Wicker

Dark Lies – Inge – Lise Goss

The Letter – Sean Poage

The Book of Ruth – Rebecca Lacy

The Moon on the Water – A.L. Butcher

Postcard to the Bomb Shelter Babies – Colene Allen

Always Read the Fine Print – Joe Bonadonna

Release Blitz – A Kink A Day – Erotic Fiction – Kay Jaybee

Release Blitz

A Kink a Day – Book One, Two and Three by Kay Jaybee

In an ever more stressful world, what could be better than relaxing after a tough day with a bite-sized morsel of erotica? Each edition of Kay Jaybee’s ‘A Kink a Day’ series delivers eight hot reads. One for each night of the week and a spare in case you fancy a weekend lie-in.

These compilations of Kay’s most popular short stories from previous anthologies, combined with a few new works, provide a few precious moments of pure erotic escapism.

Buy links:

Book One:

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2v1nCKV
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2uYKMBK
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-kink-a-day-book-one-kay-jaybee/1129186874?ean=2940155351566
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/a-kink-a-day-book-one/id1419574921?mt=11
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/a-kink-a-day-book-one
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/883582?ref=cw1985

Book Two:

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2Aje7fj
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2K7qSsN
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-kink-a-day-book-two-kay-jaybee/1129186873?ean=2940155351573
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/a-kink-a-day-book-two/id1419589804?mt=11
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/a-kink-a-day-book-two
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/883586?ref=cw1985

Book Three:

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2mRMssg
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2LNzaep
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-kink-a-day-book-three-kay-jaybee/1129186872?ean=2940155351580
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/a-kink-a-day-book-three/id1419589851?mt=11
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/a-kink-a-day-book-three
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/883590?ref=cw1985


Here’s an extract from A Delivery of Words (A Kink a Day: Book One)


Leaning forward, I fixed Joe with my professional stare, but allowed a flicker of a smile to play at the corner of my eyes, ‘What’s the thing that gets you going exactly? The fact you deliver naughty books and sex-toys to my house? The idea of me sitting here innocently writing porn? Or the fact that I spend most of my time thinking about sex?’

My courier returned my steady look, but I could see amusement struggling to escape from the corner of his lips. ‘I asked you a question?’

Joe grinned, giving me a glimpse of surprisingly white teeth. ‘I guess it’s the innocence thing.’

‘Innocence? That’s not a word I’m usually associated with.’

‘I bet it’s not!’ He picked up his coffee cup and took a thoughtful sip. ‘At least, not by people who know you. To the rest of the world, well, you look so, so …’

‘Ordinary?’ I smiled to let him know the word wasn’t offensive to me.

‘Well, yes, I mean, you’re attractive and all that, but you don’t look like a queen of porn.’


‘I’m sorry?’

‘I don’t look a threat, so people tell me things. Their most intimate secrets. It’s a bit like being an actress really. I adopt different personas to get information and stories out of the unsuspecting public, and then I write about what they’ve told me.’

‘So you don’t make it all up then?’

‘Not always, no. Sometimes I invent short stories, but most of the time I record the weird and wonderful exploits of the unbelievably and wonderfully warped public.’


I could tell he was disappointed, so I leant forward and gave Joe my flirtiest conspiratorial look. ‘Any stories you wish to share?’

Now he looked really embarrassed. ‘Not really. Nothing unusual enough for you, I’m sure.’

‘Would you like there to be?’…

akinkaday_poster 1-3.jpg


Kay Jaybee was named Best Erotica Writer of 2015 by the ETO

Kay received an honouree mention at the NLA Awards 2015 for excellence in BDSM writing.

Kay Jaybee has over 180 erotica publications including, A Kink a Day- Book One, Two and Three (KJBooks, 2018), The Voyeur (Sinful Press, 2018), Knowing Her Place-Book 3: The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (KJBooks, 2018),  The Retreat- Book2: The Perfect Submissive Trilogy (KJBooks, 2018), Making Him Wait (Sinful Press, 2018), The Fifth Floor- Book1;The Perfect Submissive Trilogy (KJBooks, 2017), Wednesday on Thursday, (KDP, 2017), The Collector (KDP, 2016), A Sticky Situation (Xcite, 2013), Digging Deep, (Xcite 2013), Take Control, (1001 NightsPress, 2014), and Not Her Type (1001 NightsPress), 2013.

Details of all her short stories and other publications can be found at www.kayjaybee.me.uk

You can follow Kay on –

Amazon – – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kay-Jaybee/e/B004O0S9GO/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1534155776&sr=1-1

Twitter- https://twitter.com/kay_jaybee

Facebook –http://www.facebook.com/KayJaybeeAuthor

Goodreads- http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3541958-kay-jaybee

Brit Babes Site- http://thebritbabes.blogspot.co.uk/p/kay-jaybee.html

Kay also writes contemporary romance and children’s picture books as Jenny Kane www.jennykane.co.uk  and historical fiction as Jennifer Ash www.jenniferash.co.uk


Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.



A Fifth of Boo! Halloween/Horror Charity Anthology

A Fifth of Boo!

Volume 5 of the Boo! series

Authors raising money for good causes.

A spooktacular collection of horror, fantasy, and Halloween-themed short fiction.

Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2Nsdrp2

Amazon.com https://amzn.to/2BZmsnu

All proceeds for the sale of this book will be donated to Cancer Research UK

Boo 5 cover.jpg

Dinner and a Show – Derek Moreland
Such an Adventure – Ann Cathey
The Voice – JD Mader
The Jaws of Ammon-Thet – John Petelle
Waiting – Oz Wainerdi
Untitled – Kristina Jackson
The Atherton Vampire – Lynne Cantwell
Happy Samhain – LB Clark
Punch Drunk – Laurie Boris
Betrayal – Erin McGowan
The Secret of Blossom Rise – A.L. Butcher
The Day of the Dead – Laurie Boris
Life Lessons – Ann Cathey
Flowers for Hannah – LB Clark
You Wish – Laurie Boris
Dinner – Jen Daniele
The Curse of the Single Bed – Mark Morris
Rose’s Screams – Erin McGowan

Dedicated to all those touched by cancer.

Hell Week 2018 – Orpheus/Janet and Chris Morris #HeroesinHell

Welcome to Orpheus

Who are/were you?

I was the Thracian Argonaut, magician, musician, and prophet. Still am, though here I do hell’s bidding, such as sitting in this dank cell with you as my interrogator.

Who is your ‘lover’ in Hell? Eurydice, the oak nymph, my wife; most beautiful and desired of women, lo these many years lost to me – twice sought and once returned to me from Tartaros

Love in hell, isn’t that a contradiction? How does this work? Love is the province of the soul; death cannot faze it nor passion still its rhyme.

Many of the denizens of His Satanic Majesty’s realm have a curse – what is yours? You jest. Do you not see the puddle by my feet, the wet where I sit on your prison bench? Do you cannot hear the dripping from my flesh? All of us who served on Jason’s Argo drown again and again in salty water, and between drownings our skin drips brine continually.

Who are your friends/allies here? Friends in hell? That’s the contradiction. My friends met in hell are my friends met in life; those met in hell who serve my ends let me serve theirs: such men and women, witches and goddesses, and empowered souls like Shakespeare and Marlowe serve the gods of hell from their day and set us tasks that lead us to more curses and misery: in hell, suffering is the only true coinage, and even that be scarce.

Describe your home/environment in Hell.

Home? Environment? I am a musician, part of the pit orchestra in New Hell, a place where all the worst from every day and age gather together and prey upon one another, eon after eon. Sometimes we serve as sea-going mercenaries in Jason’s crew, but with Medea on our track, these days bring only danger, loss, and separation for an infernity that makes lovers weep and the devil grin.

Eternity – that’s a damned long time. How do you spend the endless years here? No, not ‘eternity.’ Infernity – thanks for that to John Milton, who like the Bard of Avon and his lover Marlowe create words to suit their trials and tribulations, words that jump from their lips and torture damned souls the more.

Hell covers all eras and technologies, there are many hells within Hell. How have you adjusted to this strange world? Adjusted to digital damnation? To weapons that don’t work well but take their feet and serve like soldiers; to politicians spouting lies from their umbilicals? From avengers, who stalk one another throughout hells ages and devise punishments more foul the deeper in hell you go. Feel that cold, seeping from the brine that drips from me? The closer to hell’s belly you get, the more you suffer its cold – loveless, lonely, and afraid.

Why do YOU think you’re in Hell? I know what I did, writing my Orphic missives: I called upon hell and it answered, sending a viper to kill my Eurydice and sending me on fruitless quests to find her deep in Tartaros.

What are your greatest fears here? That, once I find her, I should lose her again – only so many times can a mortal beseech Hades and Persephone for manumission. Eurydice is the breath of salvation to me; without her, afterlife is an empty threat.

Love is Hell-FB3

Author Spotlight

*Name and bio:

Best selling author Janet Morris began writing in 1976 and has since published more than 30 novels, many co-authored with her husband Chris Morris or others. Christopher Crosby Morris is an American author of fiction and non-fiction, as well as a lyricist, musical composer, and singer-songwriter. He is married to author Janet Morris.

Tell us about your story for this edition. For Lovers in Hell, Janet and Chris Morris wrote a novella in three parts which follow lovers as they lose and find one another among hell’s multifarious domains.

What inspired you to use the character(s) you’ve chosen? The characters for lovers include those who have served in other volumes of this series, such as Shakespeare, Marlowe, Sappho, Samael, Orpheus, and some never before met, such as Eurydice,

Writing for a shared world is challenging, how do you meet that challenge? We do a new Hell volume every year or so, or whenever we have enough stories that meet our criteria. In the time between volumes, we discuss with our group of writers story names, themes, and execution. Writing for hell is not easy. At this moment, we have two more volumes plans, so we may never escape hell ourselves . . .

Tell us why you chose this story to tell out of so many possible options? We’ve wanted to do Lovers in hell for years, but we didn’t have the right group of writers for it. This year, all the requirements came together and we called for stories for Lovers in hell. Next will be Mystics in Hell, which suits our current list of characters and invites new ones.

What are you currently working on? An anthology and a new novel by Janet and Chris Morris, as well as some new music.

Name the last two books you’ve read – tell us about them. Aristotle: On Breath, one of the most accessible works of Aristotle in the Loeb edition.

Ghost Stories of Henry James – in which something actually happens during each story, most often in the last two paragraphs. We learn more from James every time we read him, as we do with Waugh.

What are your views on authors offering free books? We disapprove of this generally, and only once in a great while offer books for free, if we’re introducing a new author or reissuing a series.

What are your views on authors commenting on reviews? Don’t comment on reviews if you can possibly avoid it.

Which books/movies/plays have influenced your life? The Black Stallion. Justin Morgan Had A Horse, The Iliad. Hamlet. Henry V. Brideshead Revisited. Lion in Winter. Atlas Shrugged.

In these days of movies and video games are books really influential? I hope so. The books we write aren’t for beginning readers, in any case, and if the casual reader or the various Hater sects are attracted to digital games and other diversions which provide no deeper value or commentary on the human condition, then that’s fine with me: it keeps them off the streets.

What do you think are the top three inventions/discoveries in human history and why? Fire, which allowed the earliest development of humanity. The Wheel, which allowed humans the key to engineering. Early writing (such as pre-cuneiform and hieroglyphs), which created the tools for written history. The Rosetta stone, which showed people the possibilities of comparative linguistics.


Review – Lawyers in Hell #Sharedworld #darkfantasy #historicalfic

https://amzn.to/2pPSKtm – AMAZON UK

https://amzn.to/2GkYHWw – AMAZON

Lawyers in Hell cover

Lawyers in Hell forms part of the Heroes in Hell shared world. As usual with these anthologies, there is an eclectic mix of stories. Some I enjoyed more than others, but there was nothing I didn’t like. From Guy Fawkes trying to sue Satan (Fawkes believes he is a martyr and thus should be in heaven) to Leonides dealing with a recalcitrant Alexander, to ex-presidents, to succubi causing mayhem and Erra and his Sibbiti (an ongoing theme) there is mischief afoot in Hell.

It shows the talent of these authors that although the stories are clearly written by different people, feature a bewildering array of historical characters in all sorts of weird situations they flow smoothly in a brilliantly crafted world.

Humanity will be humanity – even in hell. And thus individuals wish to sue other individuals and the lawyers who worth and the Hall of Injustice are kept busy. Of course, being hell, nothing is simple, nothing works properly and there’s always a hidden agenda. All the characters have some form of penance to pay – be it taking cases they cannot win, representing demons, facing monsters, dealing with the unpredictable technology, and generally trying to survive Hell. The stories are sad (as I said humanity seeks to be humanity with its many faults), darkly humorous, clever, weird and enticing.

5 stars.

Swift Six Character Interview – Wolfgang – Vampires

Name? Wolfgang Feuerleiben – At least that is the name I am currently using.

Which book/world do you live in? So Many Nights, So Many Sins – part of the Nightly Bites II anthology

Tell us about yourself: I am a vampire, a ‘companion-in-darkness’ as some of my more idiotic acquaintances call us. I am a monster, a killer, a blood-drinker. I have lived for centuries – how many I am not quite sure. After a while the nights all seem much the same, history repeats itself and ennui becomes a constant companion. A human woman told me I am depressed, bored, cynical. All those things are true, but wouldn’t you be after so long?

How do you see your world? My world is long, dark and full of blood and death. Mortals die, often. Vampires die – often at my hand. I am not an avenging angel, far from it but I don’t like loose ends, or inconvenient questions. We call mortals ‘thrill-seekers’ – at least those who aren’t directly dinner. There is a class of mortal who thinks it’s ‘cool’ to hang out with the undesirables, the undead, the damned. They don’t really know what we are, or what it means to be a vampire. I’ve put enough of the poor creatures out of their misery to have lost count. Being a vampire means a constant hunger, a need for blood, and a life at the fringes. A life alone, most of the time. Vampires generally don’t like other vampires – predators tend to be solitary; except our friends the wolves, but they are largely gone. One gets to look on the human world as an outsider – it’s interesting at first, like looking at ants, but it soon becomes tiresome, then ridiculous. There is so much lost potential, and that’s the same with most vampires. Throw off the shackles of mortality and one can achieve anything given enough time. Most vampires try desperately to adhere to their long-gone human morals, rules and ideas. And every single one fails.

What part do you play in this tale? I am the bringer of death, the harbinger of doom, but you might say I get the girl.

Do you consider yourself a good person/creature? You jest? I am not sure I was ever a ‘good’ person, even as a mortal. I may have thought that was the case, long ago but I doubt it now. I have killed hundreds, waded through rivers of blood. I have murdered for food, protection, out of boredom. I have stolen, corrupted, lied, committed adultery, I have lain with man and woman. There are six hundred plus sins in the Bible and I have committed several hundred of them. The rest are either down-right silly or impossible. So formulate the answer am I a good person…

Do you follow any religion? God abandoned me long ago, and I him. I am not saying he doesn’t exist – but if he does he’d not who he says he is.

What is your favourite colour/food/music (pick one)? Well that was a change of direction in the questions. Favourite colour – orange; favourite food – the blood of vampires; favourite music – the sound of fire.


Links to book:

 Universal Link https://books2read.com/b/bQBDB0

Paperback http://amzn.to/2FRNBI1


Five characters interviews from vampires in this book.




Random Friday #NightlyBitesII

Some great interviews with the Vampires from Nightly Bites II

Barbara G.Tarn - writer

To celebrate the release of Nightly Bites Volume 2, I present you 5 characters interviews!

Character Name: I am the Aswang, and nobody ever gave me a proper name. Heck, even the dog has a name! But not me.

Which book/world/story do you live in?
The short story “The Aswang Who Ate Stardust” is about me. Well, kind of. It’s also about the people I’m not allowed to eat anymore.

Tell us about yourself:
I was born long before the white men came to the Philippines, and I used to eat little humans still in their mother’s womb. That’s what all Aswang do – but we are solitary creatures, and we can shift our shape. Which is why nobody ever gave me a proper name, I think. Anyway, I had made a human friend long ago. He was the only one who could see me for who I…

View original post 1,638 more words

Swift Six Character Interview – Oeliana #Fantasy #ImmortalsBundle

Custom Image Immortals


Tell us about yourself: (Name, race/species, etc.)

Oeliana, Nymph of the Shimmering Forest, Guardian of the Maiden’s Grove, Keeper of the Sacred Pools. I am a nymph – what you would call a forest spirit. I am born of the forest, and it cannot die whilst I live… but creatures of magic like myself are hunted and destroyed, so I live in seclusion.

I have skin the colour of polish oak, and hair as green as ivy. To you I’d look like a tall humanoid, to an elf I appear more Elvish, I can be the wind in the trees, or the bubbling springs.

Which book/world do you live in?  

My home is the Shimmering Forest, which is located in the land of Erana. Once the Great Forest covered all the land but then the gods, in their wisdom, gave life to the elves and trolls – who honour the forest, and the humans and fae – who do not. The Shimmering Forest is not live your forests, it is the Primal Forest, the Mother of All. It is magical; primal, raw and wild magic, like the days when the land was young, and the gods still walked here. My Glade is a Sacred Glade, of the old times, now the magic is fading, dying.

My story? My legend is told in The Legend of Oeliana, a short tale (I wanted more – one cannot recount a life of centuries in a few pages) and this, in turn, features in larger works, so I am told. I also feature in The Shining Citadel, when I assist the Lady of the Light, and the Lord of the Storm, with their quest to find the Shining Citadel of Lor’Arthinis. For when the Blood that Flows with Light again walks among us the magic will rise again! It will either save us or curse us to oblivion.

The Legend of Oeliana – Single https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/legend-oeliana

3d computer graphics of a  forest elf with lantern

How do you see your world?

My world is dying. Magic sustains it and once it was everywhere and in all things to some extent. But the races warred, and the Plague came, and the magic began to die or hide.  Some say magic is alive, and yes if the wind is alive, or fire, or water. It does not think as you or I think; it knows, it senses and it gives sentience when it chooses. It wants to live, and to replicate. It wants to flow through the land, circle in the sky and pour through the rivers. But the Plague fed on magic, sometimes corrupting, sometimes destroying after the Plague hit the Elven Kingdoms worst of all, and their civilisation fell to dust the Civilisation of Men arose on the ashes. And they blamed the elves for the Plague and the wars, and as the elves wielded the greatest magic all who were magical were hunted. The land wept, and is weeping still.

What part do you play in this tale?

I am the Keeper of the Heart of the Maiden – one of the Items of Power needed to unlock the spell on the Citadel. But in my own tale I saved an elven prince from the mighty Indis the Fierce – the lord of the forest. I see you think him a man of some sort? Humans are weak, their lives are fleeting like a summer breeze in the trees. No Indis was and is a Dire Boar and even the Great Cats walk in fear of the Tusked Lord. People, generally, are more foolish than beasts and thus this prince, Rii’Athellan – the Morning Star, took into his head to hunt the great Indis.

Perhaps I should have let Indis have his victory, I should not have interfered. This prince was handsome, and I was lonely, you see. Even a creature of magic craves a mate, and offspring.

I knew not that this prince had a wife-in-waiting and for the outcome to that dilemma you must read.

Do you consider yourself a good person/creature?

What are good and evil? That depends on one’s point of view. I do not kill without necessity, but I often do not save when I could. I have taken life and preserved it. I do not abide by the laws of men or elves, for they are not my laws and mean nothing to me. I do not think myself cruel – for cruelty serves no purpose except for its own sake.

The destruction of the forest, and the ruination of magic are wicked, and I will protect both my forest and my magic how best I may.

Do you follow any religion?

I have seen the gods, long ago, and I have consulted with the Lady of the Skies when the drought, or the snow comes. But I am not ‘religious’. I do not have to ‘believe’ in what I know to be real. Things either are or they aren’t. If they are then respect them, if they aren’t then there is no bother. The gods are not evil, nor are they good. They are the gods and do as they please.

What is your favourite colour/food/music (pick one)?

My favourite colour is green, my favourite food is the wild mushrooms which grow near to my cottage, and my favourite music is the bubbling of my pool in the full moon.


When the world was young, and the wild magic flowed like the Great River, there lived a nymph, a spirit of the forest. Such beings once walked beneath the sun and moon; they were creatures of magic, incarnation of tree, of water, and the very essence of life itself. Oeliana was the nymph’s name, for this was also the name of the pool, deep, still and silver, from which she had been born when first the sun caressed the land. Fish swam among bright green fronds, scales of silver and azure, frogs and toads rested on dark grey rocks, long tongues feeding on the hovering flies and dragon-flies which darted above, seeking even smaller creatures for their dinner. Deer, wild goats and boar fed upon fallen apples and the widespread fungi; the Shimmering Forest was bountiful to its inhabitants, animal and person alike. Herbs grew there, thick and tall, even in winter. The herbs of the forest provided medicine for those who knew their power. Wild-goats, now tamed, provided both milk and a substitute for the companionship she lacked.

Hers was a life of duty, she was custodian of the trees, the forest creatures and pools, and so her time passed, timeless as she was. Even the common elves visited Oeliana, seeking guidance and the wisdom of the forest, and occasionally healing when their own healers had failed. They would bring gifts of food and polished stones or shells and the pool slowly filled with the gifts, for what use were trinkets to a nymph? Yet she was lonely for those who came and did not stay, they came for their own ends, and left with no further thought of the nymph. The spirit of the forest craved the touch of another, for she had seen the lovers who sometimes came to her glade and heard their words of love and their cries of pleasure. Never had she been loved nor experienced the passion which fascinated her as the lovers moved together on beds of moss and leaves. Magic demanded a high price and Oeliana was a creature of magic, and loneliness was the price she paid. So she watched, longing for a companion, and she prayed to the ancient gods, for even immortals need the favour of higher beings on occasion.

Rii’Athellan, the Morning Star, was a hunter, magic showed itself in many ways and the elven princeling was graced with a goodly portion. This day he had given his entourage the slip. The forest contained many dangers, even for one of his bloodline, but he preferred to hunt alone; the larger and fiercer the beast the more it pleased the elven prince. As silent as the grey fox and confident as an eagle, Rii’Athellan crept towards the clearing on the trail of a huge dire-boar. His father thought him reckless, but the young man craved danger, bored as he was from the politics of court and wishing he was allowed a little more excitement. He was not the heir, and he had not yet found his place in the world; he cared not for diplomacy and was jealous of his brother. He knew the Grove of the Maiden; oft before had he brought the girls whom he also liked to hunt and capture, although they were more willing prey and his favoured weapon was not a bow. These passions were conducted, if not in secret then with discretion, for this lord of the elves had been promised long since to Almethea, the daughter of the house of Il’thricken, a house both powerful and magical. This bride he cared not for, but duty-bound he would suffer the marriage. Such a one had little choice; alliances were all when elves made war.

This particular beast was Indis the Fierce, large, ill-tempered and canny; even the Great Cats walked in fear of Indis and the boar himself feared nothing, for he had never yet met his match. As tall as the elf at the shoulder, the hooked tusks of the boar were as long as his forearm. The elf murmured a prayer to his gods and nocked his bow as the boar snuffled among the trees, gobbling orange fungus and fallen apples. Occupied with filling his mighty jaws, the boar did not hear the elf, nor perceive the threat.


Links to book etc.

And as part of 

Immortals Bundle

Monsters, Myth and Mayhem Vol 2

Universal Link https://books2read.com/Immortalsbundle

Bundle Rabbit https://bundlerabbit.com/b/immortals

Also features in Tales of Erana: Myths and Legends

Universal Link https://www.books2read.com/talesoferanaMyths

And The Shining Citadel 

Universal Link  https://www.books2read.com/ShiningCitadel








Dirty Dozen Author Interview – Russ Crossley – Warrior Bundle #Sci-fi #Warriorbundle

Author name: Russ Crossley

Remembering Warriors is a commemorative Bundle – Why is it important to you to support these causes? In my family my father and my uncles fought in World War 2. I also have friends who served in Korea in the early fifties. I think we must do whatever we can to support those returning military veterans who were wounded during their time serving their country to honour them and thank them for their service and sacrifice on our behalf.

Do you have anyone you remember who was wounded or fought in war (either past or present)? A German V1 rocket wounded my father when he was stationed in England with the Royal Canadian Army prior to D Day in 1944. He recovered from his wounds in time to participate in the D Day operation. He served in the artillery.

*Please tell us about your publications.

What first prompted you to publish your work? I began writing fiction for sale over twenty years ago but never had any idea how to begin until I attended the Oregon Coast Professional Writers Master Class taught by award-winning professional authors and editors Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Katherine Rusch. Kris and Dean taught me how to become a better writer and most importantly how the publishing process works and how to break in the business. I then started submitting to The Strange New Worlds writing contest sponsored by Pocket Books and was eventually accepted three times.

What have you found the most challenging part of the process? The overall experience of the traditional publishing process is very challenging to most beginners.

Are you a ‘pantser’ or a ‘plotter’? Very much a  “pantser’. I have tried plotting and found it doesn’t work for me. I enjoy being surprised by the direction the characters take the story. It makes for unexpected twists and turns, which I read for myself.

What piece of advice do you wish you’d had when you started your publishing journey? Trust yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself when you fail.

If you could have dinner with any literary character who would you choose, and what would you eat. Jack Reacher. I would eat a medium rare steak and salad.

What are your views on authors offering free books? Do you believe, as some do, that it demeans an author and his or her work? On a limited basis as a short-term promotion I have no problem with it. On a longer-term or permanent basis, I think this is foolish. I don’t think it demeans them or their work but it fails to recognize that publishing is a business as well as an art and that their work has value. Customers are willing and often want, to pay for this work if they see it has value. Writing is hard work and I feel we should be compensated for this work just like any other job.

What are your views on authors commenting on reviews? Don’t. Ever. Very bad idea.

How do you deal with bad reviews? I place very little weight on any reviews be they good or bad. They are individual opinions based on individual taste and personal biases. You can easily find all sorts of opinions about any art be it film, TV, books, plays, paintings etc. I mostly ignore them except for marketing purposes because I know some folks respond to good reviews.

Sort these into order of importance:

Great characters

Good plot

Awesome world-building

Technically perfect

How much research do you do for your work? What’s the wildest subject you’ve looked at? Currently I’m writing space opera set in the far future so I can pretty much make up whatever I like. But I have done considerable research for some previous projects to get certain details right. The wildest subject I looked at was You Tube videos on how to drive a school bus for a romantic comedy I wrote many years ago called Antique Virgin.

How influential is storytelling to our culture? Extremely important. Storytelling is everywhere on the news in newspapers and magazines. Advertising in every medium uses storytelling either from a static image or in television commercials. The web is a  huge source of storytelling most people don’t even think of as storytelling. Social media is storytelling. Texts, tweets, etc. are storytelling. Even when having a coffee with friends we use storytelling to share news and events. I think it’s what makes us human.

What’s the best advice you’ve received about writing/publishing? Write every day to exercise your mental muscles.

What’s the worst piece best advice you’ve received about writing/publishing? You must hire an agent to be a published author.

If you could be any fantasy/mythical or legendary person/creature what would you be and why? Superman. His role as super hero is far more complicated than it appears on the surface. His powers make him capable of solving most of our earthly problems I find the possibilities very exciting.

Tell us about your latest piece? I am working on Blaster Squad 6 Galaxy of Evil. It is the sixth book in this action/adventure space opera series set in the year 4154. Blaster Squad accepts a mission to stop a powerful enemy force of mercenaries from capturing a strategically important planet. The stakes are extremely high and the action extremely intense.

What’s your next writing adventure? Blaster Squad 7 will conclude the current story line.

What is the last book you’ve read? Dark Matter by Blake Crouch.

Is this the age of the e-book? Are bricks and mortar bookshops in decline? I don’t think so, at least for now. The majority of readers read both eBooks and paper books in the present time. I expect at some point this will shift to more eBooks than paper but we’re not there yet. I do think online stores are becoming a bigger threat to brick and mortar stores than eBooks.

With the influx of indie authors do you think this is the future of storytelling? Even traditional publishers and agents troll the indie authors for new talent so yes I do tend to think indie authors are creative and are bringing originality to the craft of storytelling. And Indies are bringing back some genres the publishing “experts” thought were dead and gone.

Are indie/ self-published authors viewed with scepticism or wariness by readers? Why is this? I think this is lessening over time as more and more readers discover new authors and entertaining original work. I do think indie authors have to up the professionalism of their work with great covers and properly edited and copyedited books. I would, however, stress to readers if you discover mistakes in indie books but love the story cut the author some slack. Any book no matter who publishes it or who edits it tries to present their best work possible. And writing is HARD work.

Is there a message in your books? Love your family and respect those who are different you.

How important is writing to you? I love story and always have. Creating my own worlds has been an exciting and satisfying journey that continues for the foreseeable future.

Links http://www.53rdstreetpublishing.com

Bio: International selling Star Trek author, Russ Crossley writes science fiction and fantasy, and mystery/suspense. Over his more than 20 year career, he has published 18 novels and almost 100 short stories.

His latest science fiction satire set in the far future, Revenge of the Lushites, is a sequel to Attack of the Lushites. Both titles are available in e-book and trade paperback.

He has sold several short stories that have appeared in anthologies from various publishers including; WMG Publishing, Pocket Books, 53rd Street Publishing, Sapphire Blue Publishing, Champagne Books, and St. Martins Press.

He is a member of SF Canada and is past president of the Greater Vancouver Chapter of Romance Writers of America. He is also an alumni of the Oregon Coast Professional Fiction Writers Master Class taught by award winning author/editors, Kristine Katherine Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith.

Feel free to contact him on Facebook, Twitter, or his website http://www.russcrossley.com.  He loves to hear from readers

Warriors boxset


Russ’s short story collection features in Remembering Warriors.


Bundle Rabbit https://bundlerabbit.com/b/remembering-warriors

Kobo http://bit.ly/2k26wGv

Amazon.com http://amzn.to/2BGnSQB

Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2AdOEmT

Barnes and Noble http://bit.ly/2zWnKMt

I books http://apple.co/2BFldqf

Russ Crossley cover

Remembering Warriors Bundle

I am delighted to announce the next Bundle! And this one is for charity:)

Remembering Warriors Bundle

In commemoration of the World War One Centenary


Now on Pre-Order


One hundred years ago, in 1918, the Great War ended after four terrible years. Never had the world seen such a conflict. All touched by its scythe hoped we would never be thusly reaped again. Their hopes were but desperate dreams. Since that first armistice, there have been many more battles, and thousands have given their lives or their health to preserve freedom and escape from tyranny.

A hundred years after the first armistice we still remember and honour those brave souls. But still, the soldiers fall, for the War to End All Wars did not.

10% of the royalties from the Remembering Warriors bundle will go to the http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/ plus another 10% to https://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/ two charities that support wounded and ex-service personnel and their families, in commemoration of the World War I centenary.

Bundle Rabbit https://bundlerabbit.com/b/remembering-warriors

Kobo http://bit.ly/2k26wGv

Amazon.com http://amzn.to/2BGnSQB

Amazon UK http://amzn.to/2AdOEmT

Barnes and Noble http://bit.ly/2zWnKMt

I books http://apple.co/2BFldqf

Book :

Comrades in Arms by Kevin J Anderson https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/comrades-arms

Book #2:

Outside the Walls by A.L. Butcher and Diana L. Wicker https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/outside-walls

Book #3:

Norman Blood by Barbara G. Tarn https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/norman-blood

Book #4:

The Rise of a Warrior by Harvey Stanbrough https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/rise-warrior

Book #5:

Total War by Russ Crossley https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/total-war

Book #6:

Resonant Bronze by J.M, Ney-Grimm https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/resonant-bronze

Book #7:

Siren by Blaze Ward https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/siren

 Book #8:

The Museum of Modern Warfare by Kristine Kathryn Rusch https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/museum-modern-warfare

Book #9:

Nothing for Nothing by Harvey Stanbrough https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/nothing-for-nothing

Book #10:

The Rescue by Blaze Ward https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/nothing-for-nothing

Book #11:

Soldier, Storyteller by Linda Maye Adams https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/soldier-storyteller

Book #12:

Heroes of Old by Russ Crossley https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/heroes-old

Book #13:

With a Broken Sword by Stefon Mears https://bundlerabbit.com/products/detail/with-broken-sword


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